Tuesday 24 September 2013

Multimedia and Interactivit

In this my topic I considered what the words mean Multimedia and Interactivity and what the connections between them are. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about them, but the concepts are differently explained and we have to spend some time to see quite a lot of information. I want to briefly summarize information about these concepts, and provide definitions of multimedia and interactive.
The literal translation of term “multimedia” means “multi – a lot” and “media – environment”. (Genderov, 2000).  So   definition of multimedia is a method of supplying information as combinations of different types of content such as:




                                                                                 Figure 1.1 Elements of Multimedia

For example, in multimedia Power Point presentation may include – text, video, picture and etc. That is the thing, such presentation as just includes a combination of different types of multimedia content or data.  The role of interactivity is related to the concept of multimedia. That is, interactivity is connecting and maintaining the connections of people and different types of multimedia.  However, the most important thing is multimedia and interactivity depends on multimedia. Thus, I am describing of multimedia. For, example multimedia can be normal movie. Typically, movie includes video, audio and subtitles, that is, user in this case, cannot influence the course of events. Standard movie plot does not depend on the viewers who watch it.  It means that multimedia can be linear and the user can not influence the information that he or she receives. On the other hand multimedia can be nonlinear, because it provides to influence it by the user. The possibility of user influence on the flow of information, also called interactivity.
A perfect example of interactivity in multimedia is computer game in which the user can manipulate using a mouse, keyboard, etc. to change the future storyline.
So interactivity is the possibility of the presence of human interaction with multimedia data. Nowadays, there are a large number of services on the Internet, which allow the user to interact with a variety of multimedia data. Video chat is a good example of user interaction by means of non-linear or interactive multimedia.

                                  Figure 1.2 Multimedia has been used everywhere.

2.       Multimedia in education
Multimedia technology and application has been widely used in the arts, education, advertising, entertainment, medicine. One of the most important areas of application of information and communication technology in education is the possibility of multimedia computer technology. Using of multimedia learning by increasing the visibility and the combination of logical and imaginative ways of learning information. Interactive multimedia technology provides opportunities to implement student-centered learning models. In education, multimedia can be used as a source of information. Students can find and search different topics with using multimedia presentations.  Multimedia presentations make lessons more interesting by using pictures, videos, audios and animations. One more thing it can also make easier to understand and read text. There are some programs which students can help them learn to read.
 Using of interactive multimedia training tools:
- Skills ownership of information technology as a necessary condition for learning with the use of multimedia tools.
- Individual and group work to acquire new knowledge in multimedia resources
- Methods and strategies for training in the use of interactive multimedia training programs.
- Give examples of multimedia applications. Classification of multi-media electronic media for educational purposes

3.       Types of interactivity
Before I was wrote definition of interactivity. Interactivity refers to how involved a learner can get when undertaking a course. In this part I considered types of interactivity. In accordance with Nathan Shedroff’s article, the definitions of the following components of interaction are.  Interactivity has five major components of interactivity that can be describe the definition of following components of interactivity. (Shedroff, 1994).

·         Feedback

First major of component of interactivity is feedback that it belongs to a lot of communication that the users receive all of the resource. Let’s say if you are completing tests, quizzes and doing activity courses, then it providing answers is regarded as feedback.

·         Control

One of the components is control that it means the users spend their power to using the site.  The ability of the user to control what the users are doing and observing while navigating the site.

·         Creativity and Productivity

This component is the important point of interactivity.  These are components of a course that allows the users to create products on your site and it gives to do something.

·         Communication

Communication allows communicate to customers with others on your site or course. Customers can be share their experience and opinions, thoughts to each other that your site or course includes own emails, web conferencing/video conferencing, and discussion boards.

·         Adaptivity

The point of adaptivity is to change to according the specific things of each member of their audience. That is, it is often hard to incorporate into sites, bit if it is incorporated the interactivity of the site is maximized.  Adaptivity could be the ability of participants to choose which module they want to start on in a course depending on what they already know and have complete.

4.        Multimedia application

Multimedia applications are modern high-tech tool to promote products and services. The advantage of multimedia applications is that they can combine all kinds of information: text, graphics, sound, animation. Proper combination of the 4-th species of representation allows the user to gain favor with the perception of information, and in general to the product or service.
I reviewed and analyzed of existing technology of multimedia application, I proposed the following classification of the most common applications and their concept. Multimedia applications are divided into following types:

Types of
Multimedia applications
Presentation is visualized information by using audio-visual aids. This is a combination of types of multimedia application that can be shown to developer or user.   Typically, structure and content of presentation must be organized for easy perception of information.
It is multimedia technology; playback sequence of images, creating the impression of a moving image. The effect of a moving image occurs at a frequency shift of video frames for more than 16 frames per second.
It is multimedia application aimed at meeting the needs of entertainment, pleasure, for stress relief and the development of specific skills and abilities.
Video/video player
Video is technology development and demonstration of moving images. Video player is the Movie Control Program.
It is collection of images.
Players sound files
It is program that work with digital sound. Digital sound - it's a way of representing the electrical signal by discrete numerical values ​​of its amplitude.
Application for web
it's individual Web pages and their components (menus, navigation, etc.), data applications, multi-channel applications, chat, etc.

5.       Conclusion
In conclusion there are many technical tools to create a multimedia product. Creator should choose the program that will be used to create hypertext pages. There are a number of powerful development tools to create multimedia, allowing to create full-featured multimedia applications. Such as Macromedia Director, Macromedia Flash or Authoware Professional, are highly skilled and expensive development tools, while FrontPage, mPower 4.0, HyperStudio 4.0 and Web Workshop Pro is their simpler and less expensive tools. Tools such as Power Point and text editors can also be used to create linear and non-linear media resources. Multimedia application development tool is also a Borland Delphi.
The lists of tools that are provided with detailed documentation that is easy to read and accept. Of course, there are many other development tools that can be applied equally well.
Currently, automated training systems technology of multimedia applications is very less, they are almost impossible to find. Likenesses of such systems are the pages of the Internet, which is a compilation of lessons, books and articles on the subject. Most of these sites focus on the theme "Lessons of the flash to create multimedia elements" or "Creating multimedia in Macromedia Director».

6.       References

1)    Nathan Shedroff. (Copyright 1994). Interaction Design. Available: http://www.nathan.com/thoughts/recipe/inter.html. Last accessed 9/23/2013
2)    Genderov 2000. Russian library and books.
3)    Troyan G.M.. (2006). Multimedia in education . Available: http://iite.unesco.org/pics/publications/ru/files/3214658.pdf. Last accessed 9/23/2013.

4)    Anatoly. (© 2012 - 2013, ). Interactivity and Multimedia. what are the meaning of multimedia. Available: http://itmultimedia.ru/multimedia-i-interaktivnost-chto-daet-nam-interaktivnost/. Last accessed 9/23/2013.

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