Wednesday 26 February 2014

Layout Design by Chu Zijun

1.0 Introduction to Layout Design 

             Layout design is the blueprint or pattern of printing elements in a particular way. According to an article posted by Depaul University (n.d.),  “A layout is a design for the overall appearance of a printed page with particular emphasis on the effective positioning and arrangement of page elements.” (Goodheart-Willcox Publisher, n.d.) A good layout design allows user to search what they want to read in short time. (Arfa Technologies, n.d.) A design of layout can be observed on most magazines, newspapers, books, websites, and advertisements.  People usually do not mention about the importance of layout design because it always exist in the newspaper, books, magazine and other reading materials that makes people think that it is “naturally” there.  We might never have seen newspaper without any layout design. A page without layout design may cause inconveniences to reader such as difficulty in reading, less attractive, confusing, and so on. For example, without headlines reader might not get interested to read the newspaper. Layout is very useful in attracting reader; it can deliver message, show sequences, and also act as point of interaction. (Tidwell, n.d.)

Figure1.1 shows example of page with bad layout design. 

Figure 1.1

First of all, it has very bad layout design. It looks messy and less attractive. There is a very wide space in the middle of the page, the menu of contents are at the edge of the page; there is obviously has no margin. Other than these, the background color is not nicely match with the text color (it has low contrast with the text) that makes it looks ugly. Reader can easily determine that page layout of this page is not designed by a professional.

2.0 Grid
            Grid is very helpful in creating and designing layout of a page. It gives structured framework to layout. (Serif, n.d.) The basic grid structures are categorized into few types: two-column grids, three-column grids, four- or more column grids. The basic grid structures can be combined with asymmetrical grids structures to enhance the page layout design. Images below show some example of the use of basic grid structures:

 Figure 2.1 Basic two-column grid structure. (Vertical)

Figure 2.2 Basic two-column grid structure. (Horizontal)

Figure 2.3 Basic three-column grid structure. (Vertical)

Figure 2.4 : Example of three-column grid structure (horizontal) used in brochure which only occupied half of the page.

         Designer can use as many grids they want to design a layout if it does not make reading difficult. Other than dividing the grids into equal parts, asymmetrical grid structures can be used to increase flexibility and also to make the layout design more creative.

            In the figure below, a column is inserted between the ordinary grids. (See red area) The sizes of the grids are not equal but it does not affect the ease of reading. It still looks organized with more outstanding layout. The appearance of asymmetrical grid structures is nicer by comparing to the basic column grid structures that have all equal grids structures.

Figure 2.5: Example for asymmetrical grid structure

2.1 Margin
            Margin should be considered while designing a layout. The margin is the white space at the side, top, and bottom of a page. Margin has useful functions. According to Nikola (2013), “Margin provides a buffer zone keeping the text and graphics from ‘falling off the page’ ”.  
Figure below shows page with very less margin value:

Figure 2.6: It has bad margin, which might makes the reader feels “ it’s too packed ”.

On the other way, margin also reserves space for readers to rest their thumb (applicable to hardcopy reading material) without blocking the text with their fingers. Wider margin can create visual harmony when readers are reading the page.
Figure below shows example of wide margin.

                                         Figure 2.7

3.0 Layout Elements
            According to Goodheart-Willcox Publisher (n.d.),  Layout is the arrangement of printing elements on a layout sheet”.  Basically, there are few types of layout elements: display type, white space, body type, and illustrations. These elements should be arranged in a way that enhances ease of reading.

3.1 Body Type 
            “Body type is the printed type that makes up the text in a layout”, defined by Nc State University (n.d.). Body type chosen must be able to incarnate the purpose or meaning of the text. (Nc State University, n.d.) Designer can choose typeface according to characteristic of targeted audience and it must be involved in the theme. “The text will contain a message that expands upon the other elements. ” (Nc State University, n.d.)

3.2 Display Type
            Display type is used to deliver the main information especially to attract readers. Size of display type is usually bigger than the actual text. For example, headline of magazines and newspapers are generally display type. It is very important to attract the readers so that they will continue reading with the contents. (Nc State University, n.d.)

Figure below shows example of display type:

3.3 Illustration
            Illustration is visual matter that is used to elaborate something. (The Free Dictionary, n.d.) Adornment, photography, and artwork are counted as illustration. The use of illustration is to create a better understanding to express idea other than using words.

Figure below shows example of illustration. Before readers read the text, they can know that it is related to bowling by simply looking at the girl. 

4.0 Conclusion
Without studying the topic, the author might probably think that it is about adjusting the arrangement of text, graphic, margin so that it looks nice in the way that the author wants. After doing some research on it, there is actually method and strategies on how to design a good layout. The author found that the tidiness of newspaper is actually contributed by the grid structures. The grid structures divide the page into few parts and the text is filled in nicely. It makes the newspaper looks clean and easy to read. Also, the author was inspired by the amazing margin design. The margin is designed in a way that reader’s thumb will not block the text while the reader is reading and holding the book in his/her hands.  

Reference List

Arfa Technologies. (n.d.) Why layout is important in Design. [Online] Retrieved on 16 February 2014 from:

Arntson, A.E. (2011) Graphic Desi6n Basics: Layout Dynamics. s.l.: Cengage Learning. 

Bogdan. (n.d.) 20 Examples of Bad Web Design. Retrieved on 18 February 2014 from:

Depaul University.  (n.d.) Typography, Layout, and Graphic Design. [Online] Retrieved on 17 February 2014 from:

Goodheart-Willcox Publisher. (n.d.) Design and Layout. [Online] Retrieved on 17 February 2014 from:

Nc State University. (n.d.) Glossary of Desktop Publishing ( DTP )Terms. [Online] Retrieved on 16 February 2014 from:

Nikola. (2013) Setting up, Types and Description of Page Margin: The Function of Margins. [Online] Retrieved on 17 February 2014 from:

Novin, G. (n.d.) Chapter 58 ; History of Layout Design and Modern Newspaper & Magazins. [Online] Retrieved on 17 February 2014 from:\

Schneider, S. (2013) The Trick to Designing a Great Layout. [Online] Retrieved on 17 February 2014 from:

Serif. (n.d.) Page Layout Design. [Online] Retrieved on 17 February 2014 from:

Tidwell, J. (n.d.) Designing Interfaces: Organizing the page. [Online] Retrieved on 17 February 2014 from:

The Free Dictionary. (n.d.) Illustration. [Online] Retrieved on 15 February 2014 from:


  1. My comments are:
    1. The content is well-organized with numbering, good for reading
    2. Suggest to have more elaboration and explanation in the report, although good examples were used in explanation
    3. Good in using the citation and referencing format
    4. Lack of content in your conclusion, good that you write a little about what you have learned? How can this new knowledge be applied in your assignment 2?
    5. Please note that in Assignment 2, you need to have a section to explain how the layout design is done based on your new ideas, and describe it in your presentation.
    6. Good to use various resources, and well arranged

  2. Thank you for the comments. Is the mark for this assignment finalised? Can I still improve it according to the comments above ?


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