Thursday 27 February 2014

Layout Design by Khesav Dosieah

Layout Design
What is layout design?
Actually a layout design is a replication done on valuations that is planned entirely for a location. The use of layout designs in technical domain like engineering make the layout reflects the same behaviour as their locations.   The designing of layout is quite intricate and it may most probably take almost a year to design it.
Importance of layout design in multimedia.
Layout plays an essential part in graphic design. Layout means to the organisation of elements on a page typically referring to precise location of text, style and image. To understand the layout of design is very essential. If you do not understand the layout correctly, there is a great chance that the message you wanted to transfer will be lost and the cost of advertising would be wasted.
Effective layout has these attributes:
1.      Focus – Focus means where the user need to look first

This picture demonstrates an example of focus. The font size of the “A MIRACLE” shows us that we should focus on it first.
2.      Flow - The eye runs easily and logically by a clear and visible path through the surface, locating components in the suitable order for their practice.

In this diagram the yellow colour shows us that we should start reading from there and the arrows clearly indicate which step to read or to go next. This shows this diagram has a good flow.

3.      Grouping:  Elements that are sensibly linked usually has a perfect visual relationship.  Unlinked items are generally separated; Linked items are normally grouped together.

This example here shows a good grouping.

4.      Alignment: The elements usually have matched location, so they are easy to be arranged.

This diagram shows that these elements have matched location thus it is easy to arrange them.

5.      Emphasis:  Based on their relative significance the elements are emphasized

The diagram shows you how they emphasise on an element. They made the publisher the specific element to stand out.

6.      Consistency: Identical pages uses alike layout, so the users always feel directed.

The diagram shows that even the layout design of the blog changes with time it’s consistency remains the same.
7.      Balance:  Across the surface the content seem to be consistently circulated

The diagram shows a balance in the layout design. It has a balance in text, alignment ,shapes and colour.

8.      Easy to scan:  Just by a glance the users can find the content they are looking for.

The diagram above is an example of an easy to scan layout design. People can easily see the numbers.


Types of layout design.
1. Fixed position layout
Between the changing resources, the changed resource does not move in a fixed position layout.
Apparatus, equipment, plant and folks who do the processing move as necessary because the invention or client is either:
(i)Too big                                                       
(ii)Too elusive                   
(iii) or the movement of objects

The diagram above shows an example of a fixed position layout.
2. Process Layout
Alike processes or processes with alike requirements are situated together in a process layout because:
(i)It is appropriate to assemble them together or
(ii) Transforming resource utilization is upgraded
During the process altered items of clients have different requirements thus they may take unalike paths.
In process layout the flow can be very difficult.

The diagram shows a process layout. It shows that during the process different items of consumer have different requirements thus taking different paths.
3. Cell layout
The changed resources incoming the action move into a cell where all the altered resources it needs is situated in a cell layout.
After processing in the cell, the altered resource can dispatch to another cell in the process or it may be a completed item or package.
Every cell can be organized in either a product or process layout.
The difficult flow seen in a process layout is tried to bring in order by the cell type layout.

This diagram shows a process layout brought into order by a cell type layout.

4. Product layout
The changed resources passes a queue of processes that has been prearranged in a product layout.
The flow is perfect, probable and easy to control.

Grid system in graphic design
In graphic design, the grid system is a technique of arranging content on a page, by making use of any grouping of rows, columns and margins. With column of text and images in magazine layout and newspaper grid system is usually seen. A steady look and feel can be achieved by using a grid or a group of grids across a whole project. The grid is invisible in a completed product, but the latter helps in the creation of fruitful web and print layouts.

The diagram above shows the use of the grid system in a layout design. In this diagram it helps the user to align the text properly.
After researching and studying on this topic I actually found out that there are real techniques of how to design a good layout design. Without studying and evaluating this research any user would think that layout design is just the alignment of text and graphic but it is way more than that. While researching I even found out newspapers and magazines uses the grid layout and this is what contributes to their success as it helps the reader to have a better, easier and more appealing view. It also makes the newspaper and magazine user friendly to read. While doing this research I found out that layout design is essential in our life and if people don’t use layout design for their works it would have been a real mess resulting in lot of problems like incomprehension for readers of a document or even a newspaper or magazine.                                                



  1. 1. All images are not displayed, please fix the problem and check again
    2. There is NO proper citation and reference in this report. This is NOT acceptable. Please read the Harvard referencing guideline in Blackboard LMS, get it fixed before I read and mark your report

  2. OK fixed the images problem

  3. My Comments are:
    1. No citation added in your report, so which reference does it refer to?
    2. After given 1 chance, you still did not use the referencing format, so no mark is given to this part then.
    3. No figure number, no caption in the report, do you know how to add these?
    4. Suggest to have more elaboration and explanation in the report, do you think some parts are just too brief?
    5. The examples used are appropriate, but it can be better if you have more details
    6. The content is well-organized, but will be better if you can number them
    7. in a formal report, you should avoid using 'you..' 'we...' 'I...' , should use 3rd person writing in literature, do you know how?
    8. In the conclusion part, you should further elaborate with some facts to show your understanding and new thoughts
    9. So there is no explanation on how this new knowledge be applied in your assignment 2? Please write about this in a section in assignment 2 on how layout was applied based on your background study, tell us in your presentation.


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