Friday 28 February 2014

Screen Layout and Design by Umair Ansar I13002894

There are certain things to consider when designing a screen layout. Pictures, text, headings, other graphic content; these are just a few things that need to be properly aligned with the margins and proper styling needs to be done. The proper use of expressions, structure, column design, making use of white spaces and other fundamentals are all part of layout design.

Layout and design

Layout design is the method of organising the information and the content of the page in a systematic order. Layout could be designed to be used for journals, newspapers, any sort of advertisement, designing a web page, blueprints etc.

Page Layout

Page layout is a technique structuring, rearranging and organising the contents on the page. For example, nowadays newspapers and magazines are designed in the best of ways possible using the page layout. The designer should design the page keeping in mind of few guidelines to make the content look more readable and attractive to the user. It is obligatory to have a complete balance and place for empty spaces and grids.

Using grid
Designers nowadays use the grids when coming up with screen layout as it is too useful to arrange the contents on the page. It also helps in building a consistency to pages on a website. Grids are the unseen arrangement used as guide.

Balancing the content
In balancing, the major focus of the designer is on the proportions and size, and establishing a proper balance between the content and the objects. Balancing could be defined in many different words; balancing the content can make the content have a consistent look.

White Space
White space is also known as empty or negative space. The large white spaces are known as ‘macro whitespace’ and the smaller white space is known as ‘micro whitespace’, this is usually the empty spaces between the smaller components of the content. Designers sometimes use white spaces deliberately to create a sophisticated and elegant vibe from the content for the marketing purposes of the brand. White spaces give out a luxurious feeling to the content; it might be used in the text or in form of pictures. For example, interior decorators use white spaces for marketing their furniture and because it gives out a modern and sophisticated vibe to the public. This is also done for brand recognition, as white gives out a luxurious vibe; it is also to tell the market that the brand is generally expensive.

In the picture above, obviously the setting seems to be expensive and of high-class, although the white adds a certain level of sophistication to the whole area. The product can be seen as cheap if the white space is less. That’s the marketing temperament these days. The same goes out for text too. White spaces with darker shades mixed together can give the reader the urgency to read the message.

The use of white space makes the text more readable and noticeable in the figure above. Most websites and advertising companies use this strategy nowadays.
The use of layout
The term layout is about creating a flow of what the design is actually going to be in the next stages. The layout rules and regulations vary bit generally it falls under two classes: grid-based and non-grid-based designs. Each is unique in its own way and they both have their pros and cons respectively. While creating the layout, white spaces and proximity need to be kept in mind, as discussed earlier.

Mark Boulton said “the thing about designing to grids is that in order for the grid to work you must consistently align items on the grid lines”. Using a grid is one of the most important factors to be noted in the modern era when designing or using a layout. The grid design is said to be the fundamental skill any designer should know. It is important for the designer to keep in mind the proportionality between white spaces and the content to build a grid. A grid plays a vital role in the design process nowadays.

Layout and design is the process of arranging the composition in an orderly fashion. Layout needs to be used in various fields to present data to the audience. Layout and design also determines whether the content looks attractive or not, regardless of color or design, the layout alone can lift up the beauty of the content. Advertisement is a vast field that uses the layout to design posters and banners and ads to make the public go mad after their product. But importantly, balancing is vital for the content to be more attractive and the audience would not face any difficulty in reading the content.



  1. My comments are:
    1. No proper referencing format is used, this is NOT acceptable, please fix it before I mark your report.

  2. My comments are:
    1. After given you a chance, you still did not use proper referencing format, no mark is given to this part.
    2. No citation added in your report, so which reference does it refer to?
    3. The content is well-organized, but will be better if you can number them
    4. Should have the caption besides the figure number, but not the hyperlink, please do it right in your assignment 2
    5. You need to have more elaboration and explanation in the report, and more examples are needed to support your explanation
    6. You should further elaborate the conclusion part, for your understanding and new thoughts, what about your opinion on how this new knowledge be applied in your assignment 2? No such discussion?
    7. So, in Assignment 2, you need to have a section to explain how layout was done based on your background study, emphasize it in your presentation.


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