Friday 28 February 2014

Color Scheme by Hnin Lei Lei Yee - Group 3

Table of Contents

List of Figures

1.       Introduction to Color Concept and Color Theory

The use of color in graphic design is one of the main principles to know when creating an artwork or a design. If a designer wants to create the meaning of the design with the color, designer must know the power of color in creating a design. The best color combination and mixture of a design is the rich knowledge of color concept and theory.

1.1.    Color concept

Color concept is built basically with few working knowledge such as hue, Chroma (saturation) and value. These components are leading to create some great color scheme for a design with effective meaning and color combination.

1.1.1.  Hue

Hue is the basic color terms which is a designated color of the objects. Examples of hue color are “Blue” “Green” or “Red”. When the designer use the hue color in the design, the designer wants to deliver the message directly to the readers. The different hues have different meanings. When hue color mix with light can create different wavelength of the design.

1.1.2.  Chroma (Saturation)

Chroma or saturation is the purity of color, can also specify as the strength of the solid color when the color was added with the certain amount of grey color. Chroma shows how the certain colors look like when it’s under different type of lightening. It can define as different brightness of the color.

1.1.3.  Value

Value is the overall description of light and dark color. The dimension of color which exist in the color itself. Value can be defined as luminosity with light and dark color along. Value is the intensity of the color when it’s mix with white. Examples of light color can be “Tint” and dark color can be “Shades”.

1.2.    Color Theory

Color theory is the guide to start the color combination or creating the color scheme. The three most important thing about color theory starts with three basic color, primary, secondary and tertiary colors. The three basic colors are based on color wheel. Color wheel is a tool to combine colors. The below figure is an example of the color wheel.

Figure 1.1: color wheel and 3 color models

1.2.1.  Primary color

Primary color is remained original which can’t be formed by any combination from other colors. The primary colors are “Red”, “Yellow” and “Blue”. All three colors derived from their hues.

1.2.2.  Secondary color

Secondary color comes from the combination of primary colors. “Green”, “Orange” and “Purple” are formed from the mixture of primary colors.

1.2.3.  Tertiary color

Tertiary color was formed from the mixture of primary colors and secondary colors. Example, yellow-orange, red-purple and blue-green.

2.       Introduction to Color Scheme

The word “Color Scheme” basically comes under the theory of colors. Color scheme is a set of chosen colors from any type of color to use it as a theme for the design.
Color scheme are a free form of creation to express the meaning of designs or the artworks. In designing, color scheme take part in expressing the meaning of design, creating style of the artwork.
Colors are chosen to create the design base on the meaning and logic of the design. The weak choice of colors will not be able to express the meaning. Designer needs to have to knowledge of color theory and concept to make the right choice of color scheme for a particular design. Designer can either create the own set of color scheme or use the set of color palette. Color schemes are created using the colors from color wheel.
The basic color combinations are from color wheel where the primary color and secondary color combines. The second step of color combination take places with color scheme using the color from color wheel. The color scheme combines the color logically with visualizing the relations between colors. There are different types of color schemes base on the usage of colors.

3.       Type of Color Scheme

3.1.    Monochromic Color Scheme

Monochromic color scheme formed from the single hue color. Single hue color mixed with the tint, shades and tones will make the complete monochromic color scheme. Below figures are some examples of monochromic color schemes.

Figure 3.1: monochromic colors from color wheel

Figure 3.2: Usage of monochromic color scheme for interior decoration

3.2.    Analogous Color Scheme

The colors next to each other from the color wheel which form the natural environmental color scheme. To choose analogous color scheme, designer must have enough contrast in order to harmonize the chosen color scheme. Following figures are different types of visual examples for analogous color scheme.

Figure 3.3:  analogous color scheme from the wheel and natural

Figure 3.4:  analogous color scheme interior decoration

3.3.    Complementary Color Scheme

            Complementary color scheme created with the color facing each other from the color wheel. Complementary color scheme are to use with vibrant design contain high contrast. It needs to manage well in order to have the perfect color matching. Most complementary colors combination are not applicable to use for text. Complimentary colors are appeared to use in logos and natural environment as well.

Figure 3.5: Complimentary scheme from color wheel and usage in logo

Figure 3.6: Complimentary color scheme examples

3.4.    Split-complementary Color Scheme

The split complementary scheme is a variation of the standard complementary scheme. Take one color on the wheel and two colors adjacent to its complementary. The advantage of this scheme over a complimentary scheme is that it can be a little more sophisticated while still keeping a strong visual contrast. Split-complementary color scheme are suitable to use in decorating the restaurant, coffee shop and fashionable clothing as well.

Figure 3.7: Split-complementary from color wheel and designing clothes

Figure 3.8: Designing places with split-complementary color scheme

3.5.    Triadic Color Scheme

Triadic color scheme uses the color that are equal trio spaced around the color wheel. Designer should be careful to use triadic color due to the balancing. Triadic color schemes are use generally in interior decorations.

Figure 3.9: Triadic color scheme and its usage

3.6.    Tetradic Color Scheme

Tetradic color scheme in other word rectangle color scheme which uses four color and arranged into two complementary color. This scheme is best to use when designer dominant one color and balance the warm and cool color vibrant in design.

Figure 3.10: Designing with tetradic color scheme

4.       Creating Color Scheme

Far along the research, there are different types of traditional color schemes can create from basic color wheel. Every designers has their desire to use the colors out of predefined palettes to express their own meaning. Color scheme can create out of traditions but designers must know the ways of color interactions.

4.1.    Basic ways to create color scheme

Creating color scheme may need some few steps which will lead to the quick and error less design. Apart from the knowledge of color theory and concepts, these few tips are good to follow up for creating the color scheme.

4.1.1.  Set the foundations

Every first steps are to set the foundations. By choosing the right base color would be completing the step of setting foundation. And yet, the right color means the color which will express the basic meaning of the design right to the viewer from the first look. The choice of base color will carry the meaning of the project that the designer is working on, so choosing the right base color will take place as the foundation.
Different color has different meanings and following are some hot color with their meanings.
Black – when users see black in a design, the meaning of negative, darkness, silent or evil ideas will be the first idea they get.
White – the color which always bring the purity, perfection and cleanliness. White color is useful when the designer needs a lot of negative spaces in his artwork.
Red – Red color is tricky to use for. It means for fight and blood at the same time it represents passions and love.
Orange – the color always chosen to show the fun and happiness. Tropical which comes with joy and energy.
Green – main representing color of Mother Nature.
Blue – one fresh color always represents water, freshness and peace.

4.1.2.  Color harmony

Second step to create the combinations of color from the base color chosen. To create color harmonies, designers can apply the concept of color scheme types which mentioned above. Color harmonies can create using tools as well.

4.1.3.  Polishing the design

The last step to finish the work is to adjust the harmonizing colors with tint, shade and tone. The color harmonies are beautiful but with these small adjusting, they will perfectly express the design with high and low feelings to the users.

4.2.    Tools to create Color Scheme

Various tools are available to create the color scheme. Adobe has provided both online tool and software to create color scheme.
Some online tools and software below are useful to create color scheme.
(i)     Adobe Kuler (online)
(ii)   Color Schemer Online (online)
(iii) Color scheme designer (online)
(iv) Adobe photoshop (software)
(v)   Color schemer (software)
(vi) Color lovers (online)

5.       Using Elements in Color Scheme

Not only traditional color schemes or tools are to create the color scheme but also by using some elements in color scheme will make the palette lively.

5.1.    Tint, shades and tones

To expand the basic hue colors in the color scheme, designers use some tint, shades and tones added to the color palette. Using these elements can makes the design look professionally and visual attraction to the users as well as it shows the rich of color in the design.

5.2.    Photos

One other useful element to create color scheme is by using photos. Tools has provided the function the designer can import the photos and choose the colors from the photos to create the color scheme. For example, by using Kuler, designer create the color scheme with the mood features provided. Mood features include, colorful, bright, muted, deep, and dark or designers can choose custom.

Figure 5.1: Creating color scheme from photo using Kuler tool

5.3.    Neutrals

There are some neutral colors in color theory which plays important role. Colors like gray, brown, white and tan are generally mentioned as neutral colors. Normally, black and white are the common neutral colors to add in the color scheme to make the design visually interesting. But some designers know very well of using brown, gray and tan would make the scheme color becomes warmer and dark shade of gray can considered as black or even white.

6.       Conclusion

From this research, I have learned the very deep down knowledge of the role which color has taken in creating a design.
First of all, creation is the main root in designing. I’ve learned how creation brought us with today from the respected founders of designing principle. All through my life I have never had the knowledge that orange color is the creation from mixture of two basic colors which are red and yellow.
The second knowledge I’ve learned is every color used in one design are from the single color scheme that the designer has created to express the meaning of design. And color do brings the meanings as well as feelings. I’ve learned that the feelings and colors are attached together from the visual of our eyes towards the natures. For example, when a person see the crystal clear water, the feelings of freshness and clean comes along. So when we see the blue color, it reflect back the feeling of fresh and clean while seeing the water.
Lastly, I’ve started noticing that the colors from color wheel, color schemes are nowhere far but it’s near to us. We can see different types of color schemes in every objects we are using in daily life. 
Designing can amaze me by doing research on color which is one of the part from the wide topic. I’m left with no word to describe how much designing has taken place in our daily life with their deep creative power.

7.        References

(Chapman, 2010) “Introduction to color theory part 1”, (online) Available at : [Accessed 22 February 2014]

(CS NY, n.d.) “Color Theory”, (online) Available at :  [Accessed 22 February 2014]

(Hue, Value and Chroma, n.d.) “Color Theory”, (online) Available at :  [Accessed 22 February 2014]

(Adamson, 2014 ) “Characteristic of color”, (online) Available at :  [Accessed 22 February 2014]

(Tiger Color, 2012) “Basic Theory of Color Scheme”, (online) Available at :   [Accessed 22 February 2014]

(Colllor, 2013) “Color Scheme”, (online) Available at : [Accessed 25 February 2014]

(Morton, 2014) “Basic Color Theory”, (online) Available at : [Accessed 25 February 2014]

(Chapman, 2010) “Creating your own color palette”, (online) Available at :  [Accessed 25 February 2014]

(Five Simple Steps, 2010) “Color Combination and mood”, (online) Available at : [Accessed 26 February 2014]

(SHALLBETTER, 2013) “Color Combinations”, (online) Available at : [Accessed 27 February 2014]

(COX, 2012) “Steps to create color scheme”, (online) Available at :  [Accessed 27 February 2014]


  1. My comments are:
    1. The content is well-organized with numbering, good for reading
    2. where are all the citation? Please read the Harvard referencing guideline in Blackboard LMS, then show me how you can do this
    3. There are many different sub-topics been studied, but lack of some supporting examples to describe? Suggest to focus on some important topics, and elaborate more, and look into how these can be used in your design later, do you understand?
    4. Good to read your understanding and feeling about this study, but there's no explanation on how you will use your new knowledge assignment 2, why? You unable to tell any?
    5. Please add a section in your assignment 2 report, explain how the colors are used, based on your study, and explain it in your presentation.
    6. Some parts are incorrect in referencing format, please fix it, do you know how?

  2. First of all, Thanks for ur comments and suggestion. Here's my doubts to the comments.
    2. I didn't copy the paragraph nor sentence that's why I didn't add cites but full reference is there. I will add cites when I combine my report in Assignment 2.
    3. Most of the sub topics are supported with examples if I'm not wrong. Can u point out which topic I'm lack to support with example, so I can make it perfect for assignment 2 report.
    4. Lack of preparation on assignment 2 is the reason I couldn't add any of the knowledge in report. One more to add on in assignment 2 noted.
    5. Noted again.
    6. Can u help me point out which are incorrect, So i can fix.


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