Tuesday 18 February 2014

Use of Color in Graphic Design by Oktilen Mulya

   1.     Introduction to color
1.1  Definition of using color in graphic design.

   2.     The three components of color.
2.1  Hue
2.2  Saturation
2.3  Brightness

   3.     The meanings of color.
   4.     Reflection.
   5.     Conclusion.

   6.     Harvard referencing.

·        1.0  Introduction to color
     Color can be interpreted as a certain spectrum that occurred in perfect or white light. In 1660, Newton did an experiment by using a glass prism and penetrated by sunlight and it proved that the sunlight is consisted of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue-violet, and violet. So without light, human cannot see color.
Rainbow Color in Glass prism

The Wheel of Color

·      1.1     Definition of using color in graphic design
          Color is a very important element in graphic design and it also plays a very     important role in graphic design. Every color contains a message even we      don’t know the meaning of it and every culture may have a different                    meaning of each color. As a graphic designer meaning of the color is very        important for them when they will design a website, posters, magazine,            picture, and advertisements. Even if to paint the wall or the house we need    to know what does every color means. For example, green color describes      a plant or leaf so when we see it we will feel fresh and gold color describes      luxury or expensive, etc.

· 2.0  The three components of color
2.1.     Hue
      Hue is the main part of color or pure color without being given a white color to make it brighter or black color to make it darker. Basically, hue in Photoshop is used to adjust the main color that makes the object is colored.
2.2.     Saturation
   Saturation is the level of intensity color in a picture. The higher intensity level, the more clearly color is. The lower intensity level, the more fading color is, because mixed with the white color. For example: red color with 100% saturation will look very red. With the lower intensity level, the red will fade and become pink color.
2.3.     Brightness
     Brightness is the perception that captured from an object that reflected light. The higher level of brightness the more light that reflected and it will make the color fade.

· 3.0 The meaning of color.
    Color is form of nonverbal communication because it represents our      emotions, feeling, and action. Every color has a different meaning                depending on the culture and situation. These are some general meaning of   color.

        1.     Red: red color describes blood so it associated with power, and angry for  emotions. Commonly, red color used to show courage that’s why many    national flag are use red color. In marketing red color is used to emphasize    people to decide quickly.

The red in here is mean power

      2.     Yellow: yellow color describes sunshine so it associated with happiness. Commonly, yellow color used to promote children’s product because yellow color can stimulate activities and attract attention.

The yellow color here is to attract children attention

     3.    Orange: orange color describes healthy, interest, warm, and              independence. Beside that orange color give a strong impression to an    element that considered important. Commonly, orange color used to              promote food.
The background with the orange color is to make it look fresh or healthy

   4.     Blue: blue color describes wisdom, sea, sky, peace, friendship, and harmony. Commonly, blue color used to promote something that related to cleanliness, like mineral water, air conditioner, etc.

The blue color is describes water or sea

      5.     Green: green color describes earth, trees, plants, and fertility. Commonly, green color used to promote organic products, vegetarian food, and financial product which related to money.

green color here describe economical or to save electric

     6.     White: white color describes peace, spiritual, goodness, and purity. White color is a very good color to show or emphasize the other color and give simplicity and cleanliness impression. Commonly, white color used to promote medical product.

the background with the white color here is to emphasize the shoes color

     7.     Black: black color describes something negative, mystery, fear, and dead. Black color is very good to show artwork or photography because it give emphasize to the other colors.

the black color here describe elegance or luxury

     8.     Purple: purple color describes ceremony, ambition, and magic or miracle. Bright purple is better to promote children’s product.

the purple color here is to attract the children

In conclusion, it is very important for a graphic designer to know the psychology of color so that the resulting of the logo will be more effective in terms of appearance and effects to attract the attention of consumer to buy the product.

Color Wheel Pro. n/d. Color Meaning. [online]available at: <http://www.color-wheel-pro.com/color-meaning.html >  Accessed on 23/02/2014.
Essak, Shelley. n/d. Definition of color in Art. [online]available at:< http://arthistory.about.com/cs/glossaries/g/c_color.htm> Accessed on 23/02/2014.
Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science. n/d. What is Color?. [online] available at:< http://www.centerforcommunicatingscience.org/the-flame-challenge-2/what-is-color/> Accessed on 24/02/2014.
Safari Books Online.n/d. The Basic Components of Color. [online] available at:< http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/video/9780240807799/chapter-6-color/the_basic_components_of_color> Accessed on 24/02/2014.
Answer Corporation. 2014. Three Components of Color. [online]available at:< http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_3_components_of_color?#slide=1> Accessed on 26/02/2014.
Nippon Denshoku Industries Co.,LTD. n/d. The Three Elements of Color. [online] <available at:< http://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/colorstory/02_three_elemets.htm>  Accessed on 25/02/2014.
Web Design Library. 2004-2013. Color in Graphic Design. [online] available at:< http://www.webdesign.org/web-design-basics/color-theory/graphic-design-using-color.12801.html> Accessed on 26/02/2014.
Black Bear Design. 2013. Understanding Color & The Meaning of Color. [online] available at:< http://www.blackbeardesign.com/understanding-color-the-meaning-of-color/> Accessed on 26/02/2014.
Wikipedia. n/d. Hue. [online] available at: < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue> Accessed on 24/02/2014.
Whatls.com. 1999-2014. Hue, Saturation, and Brightness. [online] available at:< http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/hue-saturation-and-brightness> Accessed on 23/02/2014.
Dictionary.com. 2014. Hue. [online] available at:< http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hue> Accessed on 22/02/2014.
About.com Art History. 2014. Hue [online] available at:< http://arthistory.about.com/cs/glossaries/g/h_hue.htm> Accessed on 25/02/2014.
Ask. 2014. What Does Hue Mean?. [online] available at:< http://www.ask.com/question/what-does-hue-mean> Accessed on 25/02/2014.
Ask. 2014. What Is a Hue in Art?. [online] available at:< http://www.ask.com/question/what-is-a-hue-in-art> Accessed on 25/02/2014.


  1. My comments are:
    1. Where is the report content? Explain please. This is NOT acceptable, please add on before I read and mark

  2. My comments are:
    1. The content is well-organized with numbering, good for reading
    2. No figure number, no caption in the report, must have these in formal report
    3. No citation added in your report, so which reference does it refer to?
    4. You need to have more elaboration and explanation in the report
    5. Some examples used are good, but should have more to support the discussion
    6. The conclusion is too short and brief, need to further elaborate what you understanding from this background study, do you know what you are expected to write? tell me what you know.
    7. No discussion on how you can this new knowledge be applied in your assignment 2? You need to have a section to explain how colors were applied, emphasize it in your presentation
    8. Should arrange the reference list according to alphabetical order


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